We keep all the basic teddy bear making supplies.
One does not need a large variety of teddy bear making tools. A wooden spoon can be used for stuffing or a screw driver ( just do not push the screw driver through the fabric)
I suggest, good scissors, pins, sewing needles, long needle for sewing noses, strong nylon sewing thread, and a longer thicker needle for inserting eyes.
Awls , pliers are necessary.
For tightening cotter pins, a pair of pliers works well.
To tighten the nuts, you need a nut driver and a screw driver that will fit into the end of the screw.
A good dog comb and dog brush with bristles, purchased from a pet shop, is useful to brush out your bears, the comb works well to “release” trapped hair caught in seams.
To make your own fray check- use 1:10 mixture of PVA glue- test this first on a scapulas of material. If no song enough add a small drop of PVA. This is essential to use to seal the edges of fabrics that tend to fray. I use the tip of a screw driver to “paint” on the mixture. This can be easily washed off when you are finished. A paint brush, the fibre hairs are difficult to clean.
Wood-wool, is a good filler for stuffing the nose area of the bear. The firmer this area is, the better the end results of the embroidered nose.
Glass beads, or steel shot ( NOT LEAD- which is dangerous and also has a grey coating which discolours the fabric) adds weight to your bear.
SHADING: any old brown shades of eyeshadow works well, if you do not have an airbrush or special pens. This can be added using a paint brush.